Saturday, December 19, 2009

Record Planes History Do You Think The Complete Military History Of McCain Should Be Released?

Do you think the complete Military history of McCain should be released? - record planes history

After McCain had returned from Vietnam as a war hero and was physically rehabilitated, he was asked by his supervisor medical and military colleagues, not to fly. But McCain insisted on standing up. As Carl Bernstein reported in Vanity Fair, he led an ultra-light, single propeller plane - and crashed another time. His fifth loss of the aircraft disappeared from public records, but should be subject of discussion in the Navy file. Not surprisingly, that his naval superiors worried that McCain is too cautious, too reckless and too crash prone. We also know that John McCain in the bottom 1 percent of his Annapolis class graduated, but he was tried on most of the circulation of the Navy - to a pilot of an aircraft carrier.

I think his military record is fair game as a presidential candidate, after all.

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