Saturday, February 13, 2010

Bare Feet Fetish Torrent Why Do People Like Checking Out Bare Feet?

Why do people like checking out bare feet? - bare feet fetish torrent

To see Ladies, if a man like barefoot or in flip-flops on their feet Do u
? I like to use fllipflops summer, and I noticed how people tend to look at his feet. I think my feet are kinda cute for a man still ... lol. Most people, even without a foot fetish like to see your feet? Is it just curiosity?


Eric said...

haha to be honest, I do not sex to be attractive than a man's feet. On the other hand, I think that it is normal for a man, at the foot of a beautiful woman attractive. I refer to the idea is that there are children who want to keep women (however, if they wanted to sound like a strange attraction. Many people think the taste is strange, but no feet, he just wants a little more like men.

Lucky 7 said...

There are several reasons why people find attractive, barefoot, but the principal is a foot fetish. I remember, barefoot in a library, and a woman began to film the bottom of the feet (I know some people do, that women, but I knew that women are not the men was too!) I crawled all over and put my shoes again and left. Many people like to look at his bare feet, perhaps because it is something that looks very rare (see only the bare feet of men) at home or on the beach, so if someone is barefoot in public, is unusual, and get the people interested.

suszcza said...

The sandals are a total failure in my book. Nice girls must wear sandals, and the boys should just go barefoot.

theninje... said...

I never had the feeling that people do? Unless, as you said, if they have a foot fetish?

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