Thursday, February 18, 2010

Free Xxx On My Cell Phone Need Help W/ Writing "intent To Vacate" Letter To Landlord?

Need help w/ writing "intent to vacate" letter to landlord? - free xxx on my cell phone

I have this same question earlier, and on the responses of the reactions of the audience base in Yahoo, I changed my intention to "Letter to my landlord to leave. I appreciate all the answers, but I ask again to assist with this letter also .

Thanks again in advance.

(my name)
(my address)
(my phone)

July 30, 2008

(Name of the company owner)
c / o (name of owner)
(Direction of the company owner)

Dear Mr. Smith,

After our month to month lease, you will find this letter as my formal written notice of 30 days to vacate the property at (address of apartment) to.

Ohio Revised Code 5321.16 prohibits, I would be very welcome to return my deposit of $ 450 in 30 daysto leave. Please send the return of my security deposit to the following address:

(my name)
(my future address)

If you contact me for any reason, please call me on my cell phone at (XXX) XXX-XXXX.

Best regards,

(my name

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