Saturday, January 9, 2010

Evening Stoles Security Officer And 15 Year Old ? Continued?

Security officer and 15 year old ? continued? - evening stoles

The 15 years old, 6'0, 145 pounds, and not the men had no identification and / or uniforms. Yes, but they certainly have in the shop fighting the right, in extreme violence. The mother did have even included the eyewitness claim to extreme violence. If I am his mother and Stolen me I do not have the right, it would be with cuts and bruises and no frill services are called for the protection of children. I also thought that nothing consideredd stolen until you leave the building.


ornery and mean said...

Six feet and 145 pounds ... could be a handful if he resists! Do not take the safety of the bank usually uniform or visible ... be too restrictive, its benefits!

Nothing is stolen, until the last point where they legally do not purchase the item by leaving the building!

Example: When I go to a mall and you can hide the objects on me, while in a store that would be "the concealment of goods" and a violation or a misdemeanor depending on the jurisdiction. As soon as I left the business (but not the e-mail) by the last panel, where I had the goods in the store must be paid ... firmly into the territory of a crime ... the merchandise is stolen, I robbed the rightful owner of this Article that the possession without compensation due!

When I stand against the rightful owner of the items you just won the fight ... justify the use of force necessary to stop the thief, might be expected, injuries accidental thief.

Maybe "Mom & qshould have taught uot; your child better than he is! Then, "Sonny" would not have won the first, and was not injured, if removing the "!

Case closed ... on the legitimate use of force to catch a thief!

volleyba... said...

It depends.

I worked retail for over 17 years, and tell him that I had seen a lot. The time I saw the security forces, with violence "extremely" was triple / family, the instigator of everything.

A security officer has the right to use the necessary steps to protect themselves and others. Normally, they do not carry arms and defend themselves on their own physical ability to themselves. Regardless of the age is the thief, if they have enough strength to threaten the security of personal safety, have the right to protect themselves.

Regarding the definition of theft, it depends what state you live in Wisconsin, one must go beyond the last point of sale (apart from the cash register), but in Illinois, you can simply conseal the topic and is considered theft. It is important that people know the details of the laws in your country, and to what extent the company they work to protect them.

I do not think I am speaking of "passers" because they do not know exactly what happened, only what they saw. I do not know whether the age of 15 years, threatened with a weapon, and told them he had a weapon or something in the bag, or even if he mentally stable.

It boils down to this - 15 years attempting to commit a crime, was captured and then fought to try to escape. If he not be beaten if she was "abused"? Very unlikely. So I think the thing that everyone who was to blame for what has happened to them 15 years. If I have understood correctly, was the officer does his job.

gen patton said...

when you say he has fought, it means not having fought to hide in. If you see an item that has been stolen. if your mother and I have from you, you can report it. Additionally, you can whatever the amount of force necessary to control an offender. Why is the defense of his actions, he's your friend?

gen patton said...

when you say he has fought, it means not having fought to hide in. If you see an item that has been stolen. if your mother and I have from you, you can report it. Additionally, you can whatever the amount of force necessary to control an offender. Why is the defense of his actions, he's your friend?

nyspnypd said...

You need not leave the store to be robbed when he tried to hide in order to steal, shall be deemed to have been stolen and other security officer has the right to arrest anyone in uniform or without uniform. He fought for what he did expect a slap on the wrist or let go?

Cynthia said...

He missed the first part, but someone tell that sweet boy Cry Me A River. If you do not show how the abuse then humbly, that it is probably better not to fly and pop lip and / or resist when they are caught in it. You are so freaking precious children today. I had never been on the receiving end of anything, if it does not ad @ # $% in the first bag. Shame! GAWD.

JMB said...

The force is used, if necessary, he has nothing wrong if no action is taken. They believe that any attack on the business? Something here is not the test of aspiration. If the store has security something they have not done, then the court will decide, and thus a lot of money if they had.

Michael L said...

You need to be identified. After all, what else trivial nor in the eyes of the court. Get a lawyer. One for your information once to hide something in a shop, shame on you. The changeover is to steal the cargo. Do not gamble with the law.

totalfan... said...

Knowing that he or uniform ID is the key, without which the actions were wrong. However, the child must not have been in the subject line if he does not leave the store or not and should not have fought.

pappyld0... said...

Regardless of whether the building was abandoned in "hiding" the goods. Depending on your state laws and stolen. A crime is a crime is a crime!

Baconboy... said...

What a question?

Buddy said...

If you steal the product in the bag, the intention of the question. I was a security officer for 8 years in 1988, and in some cases made use of extreme violence. Most people do not see what really happened, they see that the security person to defend himself. I'm not saying that all security forces are on the right side and Hugh error.
I had a situation with the theft of 16 years and I have over and slapped my face, took his father, a stick and hit me in the head. He thought, I grabbed his son because of the d'autres clients. 75 stitches and a fractured skull, his father was for 5 years for children in the juvenile department for 4 years in jail. The business and security, both against the company charging that family. What father and son did not know it was the video to see that it shows what really happened. The father and son was crying! Customers were standing by the father and son asked him why he lied in court.
They were for my lost wages and 18 hours, hospital bills ICU 1800 was responsible, I was one dayin intensive care for 4 months and a regular room for two weeks was the ambulance 900, and the aggravation I went through this son and father. They had lost everything!

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