Sunday, January 17, 2010

Wheelchair Accessible Cars About Those Wheelchair Accessible Parking Spots............?

About those wheelchair accessible parking spots............? - wheelchair accessible cars

My friend told me that the execution of code that can be used if the person who posts have actually left the range of vehicles. In other words, you can not use the toilet, with a sign, if my father shall () remain in the car. Of course, it seems logical to me and I never do. I mentioned to a friend in the parking lot yesterday. Huffy was as if he wanted to make fun of them. I had hoped to save the ticket. She said that since his son was in the pharmacy to receive your medicine, you can post in the park and waiting in the car. In the meantime, an elderly couple fighting against women Walker entire lot. Plates which had access, but at the flea market (4) were full. had a car with no license plate or plaque.


Master Yoda said...

His friend, the correct code is not only illegal but also morally reprehensible. I do not know where you live, but here are tried in New Mexico, a law, a fine of $ 150.00 for a first offense to receive, and 250 for a second, and then $ 500, it will be a "sunrise "as the vehicle that they will not be moved until the fine is paid.

kveryeff... said...

That people with disabilities and the need for the card, here is my feelings.
I use the terminal when I go.
When I am with a friend of my seat, I did not go.

The idea is that handicapped parking handicapped access to buildings easier. In. There are a place for a quick trip not handicapped

I'll call the police if I have a handicapped tag in the car or windows.

Then tell your friend Huffy some work steam and park in the furthest away from the entrance.

hexelieb... said...

You should see the woman who the night with disabilities in a prison in Nashville, TN for car theft, assault, and the park in a person without a permit.

I called the police on the woman when she refused to move and I'll do it again at any time, if I find people ruthlessly.

LoneRang... said...

Since this question does not respond with an explanation. I too have a father in a wheelchair (though) units with a hand controller. But I would like to introduce cars to remove in places without some form of agreement.

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