Saturday, January 16, 2010

Rolling Back Packs Rolling Back The Years Survey ~ How Old Were You When You First Decided To Pack A Bag And Run Away From Home?

Rolling back the years survey ~ How old were you when you first decided to pack a bag and run away from home? - rolling back packs

What to take and to what extent you are successful?


Jo said...

About three or four I think, because this is a vague memory. For me and my mother struggled to lock me outside the house instead of with my temperament, so that once ran without shoes and socks ... all the way to the house of my neighbor next door, about four meters. (My best friend lives there.)

lorie v said...

7 years, I have to Africa or Texas would have had no choice, I asked my mother told me in the direction of Texas or Africa, which seeks the shortest route also ok, but remember to bring something to eat before he made as long as their bags with snacks and my favorite doll, plus a few other things, and I went I back to the end of the road and I decided it was time to walk around my mother had looked out the window and the Head to laugh, you decide to make later in life, finally!

Bog woppit. said...

I do not know remember exactly, but apparently, when I became a 5 my parents decided that I wanted and I said that I live with my best friend, who lived two doors away!

I think I have until the end of our unit before it has not even packed home, I know.

mariekat... said...

About 6 See I saw in TV how people are at home like a stick and tied with a blanket to maintain their membership in a blanket and I completed everything, but could not, a stick, so left. I coin bags, underwear and a teddy bear. hahaha

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