Friday, January 8, 2010

Pill To Stop Menstrual Cycle When You Stop Taking The Pill Does It Mess Up Your Menstrual Cycle

When you stop taking the pill does it mess up your menstrual cycle - pill to stop menstrual cycle

I took the pill for about 3 years and remained in this month ... It should start my period for 3 days and not ... .... not out of necessity pill menstrual cycle I can not should be like period cramps, but no spots


Anonymous said...

Yes - you may need several months of irregular cycles, and still things should return to normal.

cassie :) said...

is definitely confuse your body. what to take away is that your body has probably done more than usual and they now fit again, so give your body time:)

cassie :) said...

is definitely confuse your body. what to take away is that your body has probably done more than usual and they now fit again, so give your body time:)

avaine said...

The pill is designed to remedy menstrual cycle .. wait a few days or a pregnancy test ..

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