Tuesday, January 26, 2010

How Many Words Should A Chapter Be I'm Writing Book And I Wonder How Many Words Should Be In A Chapter?

I'm writing book and I wonder how many words should be in a chapter? - how many words should a chapter be

I'm still young, but I'll write a book, and I wonder what is the right number of words per chapter? If someone could help me, really appreciate it.


CrazyChi... said...

The best chapters are not divided into a series of words, but important as a whole piece puzzle. Starting a new chapter is an excellent way to market the test of time in order to change the view (is a history, law, or improve a sign seen from the perspective of another character point out) or a dramatic moment (in Chapter prior to the end with a sort of cliffhanger, the next chapter in our history still in progress).

Personally, I like it when the chapters are not very long (more than fifteen to twenty pages), because I read until the end of a chapter, I am more left in the book. Excessively long chapters often leaves me no other choice than to put the book in Chapter medium term, and it bothers me.

There is no fixed rule on the length of the chapter should be. Authors such as Lewis Carroll, Roald Dahl, and (I think) CS Lewis wrote EXTREMELY short chapters from time to time, some little more than a few words. I have the book in front of me, but I think at the moment Alice fallsthe Rabbit Hole is an example of one of the chapters short, odd.

If you (to write a book for young readers about eleven years old), you might want to keep the chapters short enough, about seven pages. For adolescents and adults, is strictly a matter of personal taste, but I would organize it as a kind and make use of the story, rather than trying to target a series of words.

nonamebr... said...

No matter how many words in trouble with Stephen King each chapter a few sentences, it is only when adequate rest at the scene, since each stage may be another chapter or whatever. I wrote a novel "wants some" for fun and practice, and I know how he feels he is "good", but do not worry just have fun

s s said...

Wow! I admire you. I want to write abook, but keep procrastinating. I read a little, and the authors of many different styles. Some chapters can be as short as one page. really no limits. They just want somewhere to hang up only 300-600 pages of a novel.

Daisey M said...

So I would say, 34-45

Kuji said...

It's really up to you and what makes sense for your book. Some books have a new chapter every two pages and it works. Others have only a few businesses. Change the length of the chapter, a technique that authors use to keep it interesting for the reader to change the pace of the book, or even the personality of the characters differ. I would say the average is probably 5000 to 10,000 words, but there is no reason to try to be average.

Kuji said...

It's really up to you and what makes sense for your book. Some books have a new chapter every two pages and it works. Others have only a few businesses. Change the length of the chapter, a technique that authors use to keep it interesting for the reader to change the pace of the book, or even the personality of the characters differ. I would say the average is probably 5000 to 10,000 words, but there is no reason to try to be average.

Kuji said...

It's really up to you and what makes sense for your book. Some books have a new chapter every two pages and it works. Others have only a few businesses. Change the length of the chapter, a technique that authors use to keep it interesting for the reader to change the pace of the book, or even the personality of the characters differ. I would say the average is probably 5000 to 10,000 words, but there is no reason to try to be average.

Kuji said...

It's really up to you and what makes sense for your book. Some books have a new chapter every two pages and it works. Others have only a few businesses. Change the length of the chapter, a technique that authors use to keep it interesting for the reader to change the pace of the book, or even the personality of the characters differ. I would say the average is probably 5000 to 10,000 words, but there is no reason to try to be average.

AbFab said...

About 250 words per page, at least 10 pages of a chapter or
more, depending on the topic and target audience.
Consider the attention span of age
History Reading Group. The youngest group,
shorter chapters.

samurais... said...

You should book form, of course, left to themselves, finally, is an art, is not it? This is not a drill ... Just type what do you mean, and later worried that what editors are for, anyway.

Remus Lupin said...

It does not matter. One chapter is only a part of a book. While still connected to the story in motion and let the readers to see what happens in the next chapter.

raynold said...

It does not matter as long as the point in this chapter

♥ Becky ♥ said...

I write a book =] but it is not me no matter how many words there. unless you everything you want, even

duchess_... said...

There is no right answer. I suggest using all the information you included in this chapter, in contrast to a series of words. The attempt to count words in a chapter ends with something that looks more like a school that a new task cohesion. Write what you want and when you say that you have said, then insert a new chapter.

chotu189 said...

You must have at least 40,000 words in a book, so if you divide by the norm of 20 chapters, you will see how many of you need words. And that's not how many words in them and blah, blah, blah, but if you want line numbers thats it.

kl11 said...

I am also a teenager to write a book. I have written, if the event or whatever is necessary. The chapters vary in size.

scott said...

There are a number of words a chapter.

scott said...

There are a number of words a chapter.

hunter said...

and if a short book of about 100-2000 words (what, how long the book on the Charter 2000-10000

This (_)(_) a rabbit

hunter said...

and if a short book of about 100-2000 words (what, how long the book on the Charter 2000-10000

This (_)(_) a rabbit

_anonymo... said...

the number of words is not important what is important is the content of this book!

jessica♥ said...

This is entirely up to you how many words you through the book. I also wrote a book!

jessica♥ said...

This is entirely up to you how many words you through the book. I also wrote a book!

m4rshm3l... said...

It really depends on what the chapter talks. If you describe whjatever you want, in a word, then the custom long chapter in general. If it can be very, very descriptive, which is the case under the chapter is very long.

Iris the Librarian said...

It is a different question here is how long a chapter should be. He has some good answers. You can search for.

One chapter, like a sentence, only to see their thoughts. The chapters will be damaged if there is a break in the action.

c.lvande... said...

A chapter can be as long as you want, but you wish, you may not want a half chapters too long and too short.

CeNedra said...

I think it is relative. I was reading chapter books with only 2 pages and chapters of 50 pages. Is likely to find that in writing - of course, as the size corresponding chapter in the history!

Good luck!

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